Emergency Form with English/Spanish Information (Free Download)

This form is for anyone traveling to Spanish speaking countries and in the event of an emergency and the possible need of medical assistance, this form will help the doctor/staff attending you.  Even if you require minor medical attention for anything from a sprained to a sunburn, being able to hand the staff a quick overview without worrying about language barrier would be a huge weight off you and your loved ones.

Note:  My keyboard does not allow inflections above the words (~ and '), but this will not affect ability to use in the event of an emergency.  I will update as soon as I have a working Spanish keyboard. )

Please feel free to share this with friends and family. (I would appreciate if you would share my blog too!!) .  It's even a handy form to keep folded in your wallet when not traveling, just for peace of mind.  (My kids have one tucked into their wallets in case of emergency. )

Click on this link.  .pdf files are uploaded via www.mediafire.com

English to Spanish Emergency Form


If you feel there should be other information included, feel free to send me a note and if possible, I will include in next updated version.

(For convenience in using wallets or tucking in a purse/backpack, use both sides of one sheet. )


