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Healthy Eating While Traveling

Packing food for flights, both domestic and international, is much easier than you think. It can be a bit of work to eat healthy on flights, but with  a preplanning, it can be done. Herbed Grilled Chicken Salad with sliced cherry tomatoes, sliced red onions,  chopped green onions over a bed of mixed spring greens drizzled with low fat dressing.  Put in a plastic container and tape a couple of edges so it doesn't come off and spill as TSA makes you remove everything thru security.  You can also buy some small plastic baggies with Ziploc top (craft baggies available at hobby stores) and add 1-2 ounces, seal well and put on top of salad. You may need to move to TSA quart bag, but I've never had a problem yet.   Another favorite and easy snack:  Homemade chicken salad with red pepper, green pepper, avocado, sliced green grapes, chopped celery, chopped onion, sliced tomatoes and mixed with stone ground spicy mustard and a bit of plain Greek ...

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